Since 2015, I have been hosting various events with diverse healing facilitators in the privacy of my home in Paris FR 16eme :
guided meditations, group healing work, shamanic workshops, spiritual trainings, conferences ...
If you are a therapist/healer and would like to host an event at my place (for up to 15 participants), do get in touch with me to see if it could be a match to receive your event. You must do your own promotions and bring quality guests in order to keep the energy in my place within high frequencies. What is important for me is having a common direction and desire for growth.
You may contact me at to discuss further
For those of you interested in participating as guests in my events, you may contact me directly or send a request to join my private Facebook group Planning Spirituel Paris where I announce upcoming events.

Both American mothers living in Paris for over 20 years, Kia and I have been co-creating events ever since we met in 2015. We started with Reiki circles, workshops to practice and develop intuitive abilities, and now we have been offering powerful energy healing guided meditations on various themes.
Kia specializes in womb healing, ancestral healing, ceremonial journeys.
Her vibration is very grounding, nurturing, all encompassing unconditional love.
We are complimentary opposites to one another :
- She is Taurus, the astrological sign of the Spring evoking life and growth, and has predominantly Yin energy represented by the Moon, internalisation, and calm.
- I am Scorpio the astrological sign of the Autumn symbolising death for rebirth, and have predominantly Yang energy represented by the Sun, exteriorisation, action, and passion.
We love working together to provide tools of healing and evolution to those wishing to find and reconnect to their inner strength and knowing.
If you would like us to provide a customized event for you, please contact me!

Guided Meditation on the theme of ABUNDANCE at the sublime historical landmark Hotel de la Salle, Paris 7eme

Goddess ISIS guided meditation journey inviting her to accompany us more closely on our paths of evolution

EVENts with robin
Robin is the most talented clairvoyant therapist that I know.
Throughout the decade that I have known him, he has saved me numerous times at critical points in my life when I was living such confusion and pain that I could not figure out myself. He has the ability to clearly and precisely channel answers to our questions so that we understand our situation, our behaviours, and through his verbal transmission we shift and heal in order to be able to move forward more gracefully in our lives.
I don't know how I would have managed without him but lucky me we were meant to meet in this life (after many previous lifetimes together!).
I present, recommend and promote Robin's work to let people know about this method that is so efficient in helping us develop on our life paths. Clairvoyance as a tool for healing is my biggest passion,
We publicly presented together for our first time February 2023 at the Salon de Medecines Douces, Paris Porte de Versailles. I supported Robin, helping him to channel answers for 87 people in 5 days! Our collaboration was such an immense success, we truly discovered our combined energies as a dream team!
I continue to hold a space for him to develop his various workshops including Developing Clairvoyance, Channeling, Learning about cleansing methods and more.
Contact Robin directly if you would like a session with him
in French or English, through video call
+33 (0)